Red Conundrum Dinners

Le Titi de Paris

Varied Varied
Le Titi de Paris
wine bottles grouped

Grenaches Wines

Chateau Grenache Sun is your Sun

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Barossa Valley
  • State/Country: Australia
  • Year: 2006
  • Cost: 60
  • Scores: 3

Betts and Scholl Grenache The Chronique

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Barossa Valley
  • State/Country: Australia
  • Year: 2006
  • Cost: 37
  • Scores: 5

Kaesler The Fave

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Barossa Valley
  • State/Country: Australia
  • Year: 2006
  • Cost: 43
  • Scores: 7

Southern Gothic Poor Thing

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Barossa Valley
  • State/Country: Australia
  • Year: 2008
  • Cost: 19
  • Scores: 8

Alto Moncayo

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Unknown
  • State/Country: Spain
  • Year: 2007
  • Cost: 43
  • Scores: 2

Alto Moncayo Veraton

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Unknown
  • State/Country: Spain
  • Year: 2007
  • Cost: 26
  • Scores: 1

Ateca Armas

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Unknown
  • State/Country: Spain
  • Year: 2007
  • Cost: 40
  • Scores: 6

Bodegas Borsao Tres Picos

  • Varietal: Grenache
  • Region: Unknown
  • State/Country: Spain
  • Year: 2008
  • Cost: 16
  • Scores: 4
wine corks


Jim Martin & Bob Rustman